Corrupt(attempted murder, drugs, guns, witness tempering, evidence tempering) Kentucky sheriff brought down by reporters. [The reason we have so many “bad apples” is because even our federal government is toothless and can’t do a darn thing to get rid of those “bad apples”]

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

Corrupt(attempted murder, drugs, guns, witness tempering, evidence tempering) Kentucky sheriff brought down by reporters. [The reason we have so many “bad apples” is because even our federal government is toothless and can’t do a darn thing to get rid of those “bad apples”]

by /u/bookakionyourface

Corrupt(attempted murder, drugs, guns, witness tempering, evidence tempering) Kentucky sheriff brought down by reporters. [The reason we have so many “bad apples” is because even our federal government is toothless and can’t do a darn thing to get rid of those “bad apples”] submitted by /u/bookakionyourface
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All credit goes to /u/bookakionyourface
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