Everything that happened so far was just a preview of what’s gonna happen in November. Trump will claim he won the election, even when he didn’t. He will declare any protest an insurrection, and any protester a “terrorist.” He will use fascist violence to hold on to power at all cost.

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

Everything that happened so far was just a preview of what’s gonna happen in November. Trump will claim he won the election, even when he didn’t. He will declare any protest an insurrection, and any protester a “terrorist.” He will use fascist violence to hold on to power at all cost.

by /u/2020clusterfuck

Everything that happened so far was just a preview of what's gonna happen in November. Trump will claim he won the election, even when he didn't. He will declare any protest an insurrection, and any protester a "terrorist." He will use fascist violence to hold on to power at all cost. submitted by /u/2020clusterfuck
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All credit goes to /u/2020clusterfuck
Originally published on https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/?format=xml

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