NYPD cop, four NYPD 911 operators and a supervisor, arrested in massive $18 million insurance fraud scam: they’re accused of selling scammers names, phone numbers and confidential information about car crash victims they had access to as part of their jobs…

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

NYPD cop, four NYPD 911 operators and a supervisor, arrested in massive $18 million insurance fraud scam: they’re accused of selling scammers names, phone numbers and confidential information about car crash victims they had access to as part of their jobs…

by /u/montreal01

NYPD cop, four NYPD 911 operators and a supervisor, arrested in massive $18 million insurance fraud scam: they're accused of selling scammers names, phone numbers and confidential information about car crash victims they had access to as part of their jobs... submitted by /u/montreal01
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All credit goes to /u/montreal01
Originally published on https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/?format=xml

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