ICE arrested a 41 year old catholic born in Greece who came to the U.S when he was 2, he was deported to Iraq despite the fact he had never been to the country before and spoke no Arabic, he died a week later because he couldn’t get any medication for his diabetes

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

ICE arrested a 41 year old catholic born in Greece who came to the U.S when he was 2, he was deported to Iraq despite the fact he had never been to the country before and spoke no Arabic, he died a week later because he couldn’t get any medication for his diabetes

by /u/UsualHistory5

ICE arrested a 41 year old catholic born in Greece who came to the U.S when he was 2, he was deported to Iraq despite the fact he had never been to the country before and spoke no Arabic, he died a week later because he couldn't get any medication for his diabetes submitted by /u/UsualHistory5
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All credit goes to /u/UsualHistory5
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