WARNING TO IMMIGRANTS: 4chan users are attempting to pass along FAKE “what to do” posters for ICE visits. You DO NOT have to answer your door unless ICE has a proper warrant. Stay safe.

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

WARNING TO IMMIGRANTS: 4chan users are attempting to pass along FAKE “what to do” posters for ICE visits. You DO NOT have to answer your door unless ICE has a proper warrant. Stay safe.

by /u/queer_artsy_kid

WARNING TO IMMIGRANTS: 4chan users are attempting to pass along FAKE “what to do” posters for ICE visits. You DO NOT have to answer your door unless ICE has a proper warrant. Stay safe. submitted by /u/queer_artsy_kid
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All credit goes to /u/queer_artsy_kid
Originally published on https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/?format=xml

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