Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black 12-Year-old in Bed During Botched Raid: Lawsuit — An officer put black tape over his badge and covered his body camera after shooting 12-year-old Amir Worship during a pre-dawn raid on his home [by Country Club Hills and Richton Park SWAT officers, suburban Chicago]

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black 12-Year-old in Bed During Botched Raid: Lawsuit — An officer put black tape over his badge and covered his body camera after shooting 12-year-old Amir Worship during a pre-dawn raid on his home [by Country Club Hills and Richton Park SWAT officers, suburban Chicago]

by /u/BlankVerse

Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black 12-Year-old in Bed During Botched Raid: Lawsuit — An officer put black tape over his badge and covered his body camera after shooting 12-year-old Amir Worship during a pre-dawn raid on his home [by Country Club Hills and Richton Park SWAT officers, suburban Chicago] submitted by /u/BlankVerse
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All credit goes to /u/BlankVerse
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