Nothing crazy — just the reaction of two officers after my husband confronts them for making fun of me in the gas station. They lie their faces off then one accuses us of “picking on him” and trying to get him fired. Details in comments.

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

Nothing crazy — just the reaction of two officers after my husband confronts them for making fun of me in the gas station. They lie their faces off then one accuses us of “picking on him” and trying to get him fired. Details in comments.

by /u/Texas2043

Nothing crazy — just the reaction of two officers after my husband confronts them for making fun of me in the gas station. They lie their faces off then one accuses us of “picking on him” and trying to get him fired. Details in comments. submitted by /u/Texas2043
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All credit goes to /u/Texas2043
Originally published on

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