Issue with local authorities, Cornwall Police Service, since Nov. when I was assaulted by my sister (a gov’t worker) and they refused to press charges. Long story, small city, so this is my 5th song derived from it -musical troll warfare- “Criminal Police Service (feat. Const.-Det. Ricky Dinkles)”

 In Bad Cop, blog, No Donut!

Issue with local authorities, Cornwall Police Service, since Nov. when I was assaulted by my sister (a gov’t worker) and they refused to press charges. Long story, small city, so this is my 5th song derived from it -musical troll warfare- “Criminal Police Service (feat. Const.-Det. Ricky Dinkles)”

by /u/mcfrosty000

Issue with local authorities, Cornwall Police Service, since Nov. when I was assaulted by my sister (a gov't worker) and they refused to press charges. Long story, small city, so this is my 5th song derived from it -musical troll warfare- "Criminal Police Service (feat. Const.-Det. Ricky Dinkles)" submitted by /u/mcfrosty000
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All credit goes to /u/mcfrosty000
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